Includes a version of MythicMobs file that only attacks mobs and doesn’t attack players
MCPets config
Premade MCPets level system: Easily customizable!
3 pet food configuration (Common Pet Food / Rare Pet Food / Epic Pet Food)
Pet icons for MCPets menu
Pet name tag support
Interaction Animation: Right-click on pet to play!
6 custom sound effects (Mostly used vanilla Minecraft sounds with adjustments)
Emissive skill textures for Optifine
Instruction on how to install
Resource pack included
ItemsAdder config – Easy Drag & Drop! (Supports version 3.3+)
Oraxen config – Easy Drag & Drop!
Level System:
Pets gain EXP when they are in combat or when they are given pet food
4 premade levels: Common – Rare – Epic – Legendary (Customizable by yourself)
Pet stats, skill damage and duration increases every level
Archer – Arrow Shot: Your Archer shoots an arrow at its enemy. [Level up: +Damage]
Alchemist – Venom Potion: Your Alchemist throws a poison potion that creates a pond of venom. [Level up: +Damage, +Venom pond duration]
Gunner – Laser Beam: Your Gunner shoots a burning laser beam at its enemy. [Level up: +Damage, +Burn duration]
Power Arrow (Long Distance): Your Beastmaster shoots a powerful red arrow at its enemy. [Level up: +Damage, +Knockback]
Beast Attack (Short Distance): Your Beastmaster orders its beast to slash its enemy. [Level up: +Damage]
Mage – Flame Bolt: Your Mage fires a flame bolt at its enemy. [Level up: +Damage, +Burn duration]
Druid – Gust: Your Druid summons a small hurricane that knocks up nearby enemies. [Level up: +Damage]
Illusionist – Mirror Clone: Your Illusionist creates a clone that follows nearby enemies. The clone explodes after a few seconds, blinding nearby enemies. [Level up: +Damage, +Blindness duration]
Archmage – Mystic Thunder: Your Archmage summons lightning chains that bounce between enemies, stunning them. [Level up: +Damage, +Bounce amount]
Shaman – Healing Totem: Your Shaman places a totem that heals you overtime. [Level up: +Heal]
Bard – Crippling Rhythm: Your Bard plays a cursed chord, giving weakness and slowness to its enemy. [Level up: +Debuff duration]
Cleric – Holy Buff: Your Cleric gives you regeneration, speed, and resistance. [Level up: +Buff power]
Bead of Yin: Your Monk sends its bead of yin to its enemy, damaging and pushing them back. [Level up: +Damage]
Bead of Yang: Your Monk sends its bead of yang to you, shielding you. [Level up: +Shield]
Summoner – Spiritual Blade: Your Summoner summons and fires a spiritual blade at its enemy. [Level up: +Damage]
Necromancer – Necromancy: Your Necromancer summons exploding skulls at its enemy, withering them. [Level up: +Damage]
Shadowmancer – Shadow Pool: Your Shadowmancer summons a pool of shadow that pulls in nearby enemies. [Level up: +Damage]
Fire Chains: Summons fire chains that burn and stun nearby enemies. [Level up: +Damage]
Earth Armor: Summons an earth armor on you, shielding you. [Level up: +Shield, +Shield duration]
Ice Shard: Summons an ice shard that slows and damages nearby enemies. [Level up: +Damage]
Air Shield: Summons an air shield on you that pushes back nearby enemies. [Level up: +Shield duration]
Includes proper ItemsAdder (Supports version 3.3+) and Oraxen config with items packs config. Simply drag & drop to merge resourcepacks!
Already bought some of them as individual products? Open a ticket on our discord to get a discount coupon for the full bundle!
Regular Version: Original / Clean / Simple version included
Clean Version: No pet skills and no level system, purely interactable, cosmetics-use pets
Dependencies:Â MythicMobs, ModelEngine, MCPets
Tested on version 1.19.4, MythicMobs (5.3.5), ModelEngine (R3.1.8), MCPets (3.0.1), Resource pack included
Tested on version 1.20.1, MythicMobs (5.4.1), ModelEngine (4.0.3), MCPets (4.1.1), Resource pack included
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