Right click on the floor to place the food
Shift + Left Click while holding the food to consume it
You only need one of the two – MythicCrucible OR ItemsAdder to make the pack work. You don’t need both of them.
You can also use MMOItems if you only need consumable food
Eating particles can only be shown in MythicCrucible
The recipe guide can only be accessed in ItemsAdder
Dependencies:Â MythicCrucible OR ItemsAdder. MMOItems if you only need consumable food.
Tested on version 1.18.2, MythicMobs (5.1.4), MythicCrucible (1.5.0), ItemsAdder (3.2.3g), MMOItems (6.8.2), Resource pack included
Tested on version 1.19, MythicMobs (5.1.4), MythicCrucible (1.5.0), ItemsAdder (3.2.3g), MMOItems (6.8.2), Resource pack included
biko09 (verified owner) –
Análise de Brasileiro pra Brasileiro – Segundo pack das comidas do Samus. Trabalho sensacional!! Mais uma vez, faltou ter uma lista de crafting já personalizada, seria interessante.