UPDATE [v1.8]
– Bug Fix: Changed whole AI of “Sniper Backup”, now activates properly
UPDATE [v1.7]
– Fixed & improved aura mechanics that don’t work on recent Mythicmobs versions
UPDATE [v1.6]
– Added new skill slot function of MMOCore
– Fixed Sniper Backup not looking at targets
UPDATE [v1.5]
– Added Party/Guild function:
- Damages and debuffs only apply to non-party/guild members
- Heals and buffs only apply to party/guild members
UPDATE [v1.4]
– Added ItemsAdder config for ItemsAdder vesion 3.3+
UPDATE [v1.3]
– Added Oraxen config (Simple Drag & Drop!)
UPDATE [v1.2]
– Bug Fix: “Sniper Backup” now activates properly
UPDATE [v1.1]
– Added proper ItemsAdder config with items packs config. Simply drag & drop to merge resourcepacks!
You only need one of the three – MMOItems, MMOCore, OR MythicCrucible to make the pack work. You don’t need all of them.
Dependencies:Â MythicMobs
Tested on version 1.18.2, MythicMobs (5.1.0), MMOItems (6.7.4), MythicLib (1.3.3), MythicCrucible (1.4.0), MMOCore (1.9.4), Resource pack included
Tested on version 1.19, MythicMobs (5.1.4), MMOItems (6.8.2), MythicLib (1.4.2), MythicCrucible (1.5.0), MMOCore (1.10.2), Resource pack included
Tested on version 1.19.4, MythicMobs (5.2.6), MMOItems (6.9.3), MythicLib (1.5.2), MythicCrucible (1.6.0), MMOCore (1.11.3), ModelEngine (R3.1.7), Resource pack included
Tested on version 1.19.4, MythicMobs (5.3.5), MMOItems (6.9.4), MythicLib (1.6.1), MythicCrucible (1.6.0), MMOCore (1.12), ModelEngine (R3.1.8), Resource pack included
DinoBoss (verified owner) –
Muy buen trabajo de parte de samus espero que siga añadiendo cosas epicas.
fil (verified owner) –
I purchased this pack mostly for the abilities and I have to say they are insanely fun to use, would recommend to anyone who wants some sick gun weapons and abilities.
Kubson_99 (verified owner) –
Great skill pack, its just a drop to config and is ready for you to start working on balances and great support!
biko09 (verified owner) –
Análise de Brasileiro pra Brasileiro – Uma das minhas classes preferidas, porém acho que ela seria uma ótima Subclasse pro ArtÃfice (se ela fosse uma classe base)
Kadio212 (verified owner) –
It’s very cool and has a great skill composition that makes your eyes enjoyable.